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What are the Community Centers for Integrated Services?

Within the project Community Centers for Integrated Services - A model of intervention in the process of inclusion and empowerment of Roma, Roma Center for Health Policies - SASTIPEN, together with the Institute for Public Policies (IPP), ActiveWatch, Polovragi City Hall (Gorj county), Hamcearca and Ciucurova City Halls (Tulcea county) will create mechanisms to reduce economic and social disparities among the Roma population. During the implementation of the project until November 2022, in Ciucurova, Hamcearca and Polovragi the partners will set up and run three community centers for integrated services that, at the end of the project, will be taken under the administration of the local authorities, thus being a part of the facilities offered to the citizens of the three localities.

In the centers, the services will be offered by teams made up of coordinators of the centers, doctors, community medical nurses, health mediators, school mediators, experts in employment, community facilitators and juridical experts. In addition to the services directly offered by the centers that will benefit at least 900 people, the three NGOs - SANSTIPEN, IPP and ActiveWatch - will run activities to empower the Roma population to actively take part in the decision-making process. Also, activities that promote intercultural exchange and take a stand against discrimination will take place. 

What is the model of intervention?

1st area of intervention:
2nd area of intervention:
3rd area of intervention:

Where are the Community Centers for Integrated Services located?

Ciucurova Community Center

Ciucurova Community Center

Ciucurova is a commune in Tulcea County, in the South-Eastern part of Romania, having in its composition the following villages: Ciucurova, Fâtâna Mare and Amagea. It has a population of approx. 1944 citizens, out of which 32,15% are Roma.

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Hamcearca Community Center

Hamcearca Community Center

Hamcearca is a commune in Tulcea County, in the South-Eastern part of Romania, administering the following villages: Balabancea, Hamcearca, Nifon and Căprioara. It has a population of approx. 1400 citizens, out of which 16,57% are Roma.

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Polovragi Community Center

Polovragi Community Center

Polovragi is a commune in Gorj County, in the South-Western part of Romania, consisting of the villages of Polovragi and Racovița. It has a population of approx. 2820 citizens, out of which 14,33% are Roma.

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Buletin Informativ Numarul 4

Buletin Informativ Nr 4 Iulie - Septembrie 2022 Obiectivele proiectului sunt: furnizarea de servicii integrate unui numar de minim 900 beneficiari, prin intermediul a 3 centre comunitare de servicii integrate;
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