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What are the Community Centers for Integrated Services?

The project Community Centers for Integrated Services - A model of intervention in the process of inclusion and empowerment of Roma aims to increase the social inclusion and empowerment of the Roma population in three locations: Polovragi (Gorj country), Hamcearca (Tulcea county)and Ciucurova (Tulcea county) in response to the needs identified by the project team following consultations with the local community.roiectul “CCSI – Model de intervenție în procesul de incluziune și abilitare a romilor” este un proiect implementat de Centrul Romilor pentru Politici de Sănătate – SASTIPEN, împreună cu Institutul pentru Politici Publice (IPP), Asociația ActiveWatch, Primăria Comunei Polovragi (județul Gorj), Primăria Comunei Hamcearca și Primăria Comunei Ciucurova (județul Tulcea) și finanțat în cadrul Programului de Dezvoltare Locală al cărui operator este Fondul Român de Dezvoltare Socială.

The project has the following objectives: providing services through 3 community centers to a number of minimum 900 beneficiaries, offering a minimum of 450 beneficiaries empowerment skills, and implementing an antidiscrimination program which also promotes interculturality addressed to a minimum of 900 people.ul general al proiectului este reducerea disparităților economice și sociale îrândul populației de etnie roma din localitățile vizate în proiect prin implicarea societății civile și a autorităților locale și regionale, astfel contribuind activ la creșterea incluziunii și abilitării romilor în conformitate cu principiile comune privind incluziunea romilor șcreșterea coeziunii economice și sociale la nivel local. 

In the short-term, the project will contribute to the increase in the quality of integrated services, to the increase in the knowledge and skills of the Roma regarding advocacy and participation in the decision-making process and it will strengthen operational processes by training a specific number of specialists in providing services. în comunele Ciucurova, Hamcearca și Polovragi vor fi înființate și vor deveni funcționale trei centre comunitare de servicii integrate care, la sfârșitul proiectului, vor fi preluate de autoritățile locale fiind astfel integrate în facilitățile oferite locuitorilor din cele trei comune. In the centers, the services will be offered by teams made up of coordinators of the centers, doctors, community medical nurses, health mediators, school mediators, experts in employment, community facilitators and juridical experts. Therefore, the community will benefit from: 

The innovation of this project is the synergy between the expertise and resources of each partner, thus contributing to increasing social inclusion and empowerment of Roma, correlated with strategic documents aimed at promoting balanced development and social cohesion, both locally and nationally.

In addition to the activities directly related to the community centers that will benefit at least 900 people, the three non-governmental organizations involved in the project - Roma Center for Policy - SASTIPEN, Institute for Public Policy (IPP) and ActiveWatch - will carry out empowerment activities for the Roma to actively participate in the decision-making process and activities that promote intercultural dialogue and the fight against discrimination. Thus, over the next two years, 450 Roma people (adults, young people or children), especially Roma women and young people, will be informed about their rights and involvement in community life; 300 community members belonging to the majority population, living in the project intervention areas, including people in situations of vulnerability, risk or facing various forms of socio-economic exclusion will participate in activities to combat discrimination and promote intercultural dialogue; 60 Roma experts and leaders will be involved in the decision-making process.

At the same time, we will address specialists from local public authorities, specialists and volunteers from NGOs, teachers and other actors who play a key role in providing services to Roma. They will benefit from training courses and a toolkit that supports them in carrying out the activities.

In addition to the complementary intervention of the three non-governmental organizations, a strong point of this project is the public-private partnership that allows the creation of sustainable models of intervention and inclusion. Thus, the collaboration with the Polovragi Commune City Hall, Hamcearca Commune City Hall and Ciucurova Commune City Hall will ensure the continuity of this project and will make the transition to the integration of this type of intervention in the daily life of the communes. 

What is the model of intervention?

1st area of intervention:
2nd area of intervention:
3rd area of intervention:

The partners


Roma Center for Health Policies—SASTIPEN, a Romanian NGO founded in august 2007, that fights for increasing the access of the Roma population to health services. SASTIPEN works to promote social dialogue and to secure the participation of local community members in developing and implementing public policy for Roma and non-Roma citizens, by improving communication between administrative structures at local, national and international levels, as well as reporting human rights violations to the competent bodies in relation to the association's objectives.

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Institute for Public Policy (IPP) is a Romanian nongovernmental organization whose aim is to support and increased quality of the processes related to the development of public policies in Romania. IPP committed to advancing high quality policies in the following main areas: transparency of the legislative process, reform of the local government system, fight against corruption and promotion of integrity at all local government levels, organization and operation of election systems and processes, funding of political parties, promoting the rights of the disabled, which made of IPP one of the most respected and experienced think-tank in Romania.

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ActiveWatch is a Romanian human rights NGO that stands for free communication serving the public interest. Established in 1994, it focuses on four main areas of interest: anti-discrimination, freedom of speech, media literacy and monitoring and good governance. We also promote the development of programs, projects, communication and advocacy campaigns, training courses and public events to promote the values of real democracy in Romania.

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Polovragi City Hall

Polovragi is a commune in Gorj County, in the South-Western part of Romania. It has a population of approx. 2820 citizens, out of which 14,33% are Roma.

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Hamcearca City Hall

Hamcearca is a commune in Tulcea County, in the South-Eastern part of Romania. It has a population of approx. 1400 citizens, out of which 16,57% are Roma.

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Ciucurova City Hall

Ciucurova is a commune in Tulcea County, in the South-Eastern part of Romania. It has a population of approx. 1950 citizens, out of which 32,15% are Roma.

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Our objectives

Objective no. 1

Providing integrated services through 3 community centers to a number of minimum 900 beneficiaries.

Objective no. 1

Providing integrated services through 3 community centers to a number of minimum 900 beneficiaries.

Objective no. 2

Offering skills empowerment to a minimum of 450 beneficiaries.

Objective no. 2

Offering skills empowerment to a minimum of 450 beneficiaries.

Objective no. 3

Implementing an anti-discrimination program which also promotes intercultural dialogue addressed to a minimum of 900 people.

Objective no. 3

Implementing an anti-discrimination program which also promotes intercultural dialogue addressed to a minimum of 900 people.


beneficiaries of the integrated services
community centers for integrated services
people empowered

The team

Radu Andrei Anuți

Project manager


1. Radu Andrei Anuti - Manager proiect - Sastipen v2

Dănuț Dumitru

Monitoring and evaluation expert


2. Danut Dumitru - Expert monitorizare - Sastipen v2

Andreea Moscovici

Responsible for integrated services


3. Andreea Moscovici - Responsabil servicii integrate - Sastipen v2

Geanina Rădulescu

Responsible for community development


4. Geanina Radulescu - Responsabil dezvoltare comunitar - Sastipen v2

Adrian Simion

Responsible for finance


5. Adrian Simion - Responsabil financiar - Sastipen v2

Alexandra Johari

Partnered coordinator


6. Alexandra Johari - Coordonator proiect - IPP v2

Loredana Mateescu

Financial manager



Larisa Budeanu

Project coordinator


8. Larisa Budeanu - Coordonator proiect - Active Watch

Ioana Popa

PR Expert


9. Ioana Popa - Expert PR - Active Watch

Elisaveta Pătrașcu

Responsible for finance



Marin Gaina

Project responsible

Polovragi City Hall

11. Marin Gaina - Responsabil de proiect din partea primariei Polovragi

Ion Acceleanu


Hamcearca City Hall

12. Ion Acceleanu - primar comuna hamcearca

Luminița Mauna

Project responsible

Hamcearca City Hall

13. Luminita Mauna - responsabil proiect - primaria hamcearca

Nizami Memet

Project responsible

Hamcearca City Hall

14. Nizami Memet - responsabil proiect - primaria hamcearca